Dear Erik,
CONGRATULATIONS on being a Nominee at the 5th Annual Photography Masters Cup with:
Nominee in Nature | Raabjerg Mile
Nominee in Nature | Raabjerg Mile
13,321 entries were received from 83 countries and your work received a high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done!
The Awards Jury represents the industry's biggest names and tastemakers who reviewed the entries online before making the nominations shortlist and honoring 272 title awards in 18 categories. The Awards could not have wished for a better group of professionals to work with.
We will be promoting your nomination through our international network and PR campaign.
Congratulations once again on being a Nominee and we wish you a most successful photography year.
We will be promoting your nomination through our international network and PR campaign.
Congratulations once again on being a Nominee and we wish you a most successful photography year.
Best regards,
Basil O'Brien
Creative Director
Basil O'Brien
Creative Director
Efter jeg indsendte billedet i foråret havde jeg faktisk glemt alt om min deltagelse i Masters Cup. For en lille måned siden fik jeg en mail fra Mastes Cup, at mit billede var blevet nomineret og at dommerne ville foretage den endelige votering den 29. oktober, med oplysning om vinderne i de 18 kategorier. Det blev ved nomineringen og dermed heller ikke del i præmiesummen. Jeg får dog i januar tilsendt et diplom for nomineringen. Er det flot, kommer det vel op et sted - er det ikke, hvem ved hvor det så havner? :-)
Nå, men trods alt vel ikke så dårligt at få billedet, blandt over 13.000 andre billeder, nomineret.
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